Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Local Mobile Search « Screenwerk

Local Mobile Search « Screenwerk: "Research Topics & Coverage Area

* Market forecasts and scenario analysis: How much will Local Mobile Search be worth? What will be the breakdown between advertising, subscription and transaction-based fees? How will revenues be distributed among the various mobile modalities, including voice, text, WAP?
* The LMS ecosystem: What is the breadth and scope of the emerging value chain? What are the roles and revenue sources for market participants – advertisers, search engines, carriers, technology providers, ad platforms, agencies and content providers?
* The user experience: How do wireless subscribers interact with content on mobile devices? What drives adoption and use of mobile search services? What describes the “best” user experiences?
* Devices and their capabilities: How do increasingly powerful handsets and other mobile devices shape the user experience and related ad models? What special accommodations do content providers, infrastructure providers, aggregators and carriers need to make to reach the broadest community of users?
* Market segmentation: What segments and customer groups tap into existing mobile search, voice and carrier services? How do service providers and carriers maximize awareness and usage of local mobile search services?
* Branding issues: How"

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